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Ali September 26, 2009
Fixing the multiprocessing error while developing for AppEngine

Fixing the multiprocessing error while developing for AppEngine

If you are developing for Google AppEngine on Mac, and you have updated python to 2.6.x or higher, you might face this non-sense error over and over:

ImportError: No module named _multiprocessing

The main reason behind this error is that AppEngine (as of this writing) can't get along with python versions higher than 2.5.x.

Fortunately it is quite easy to fix this issue, especially if you are using GoogleAppEngineLauncher:

Ali August 30, 2009

The secret of staying productive while coding

Most people use versioning systems like Subversion, Mercurial, and git to maintain their code while working on software and web projects. There are also hosted...

Ali December 21, 2008

How SaaS can impact the Middle East market

Middle East is usually behind when it comes to the bleeding edge technology. Clearly because we don't build bleeding edge technology unless we are US...