Importing data from FTP server into Zoho Creator
Zoho Creator has grown to be a great cloud-based app creation platform. You can build simple apps in the matter of hours or have complex solutions up and running much quicker than a from-scratch project. Manipulating data is a core capability of (Zoho) Creator . There is a rich toolset of UI elements, business logic components, and reporting tools to make your life easier. If you need more functionality you can always create custom functions and behaviours using the powerful Deluge scripting language. To take it even further there is a rather capable REST API to connect your app to the outside world. In this post I’ll show you how to import data from an FTP server into a Creator app using a Deluge function and a little middleware. Note: I assume that you are familiar with Creator and Deluge. We will also get some help from a PHP script, so some PHP knowledge is helpful too, but not necessary. You can use the code in this tutorial without changing anything other than the FTP url and account.

Cloud is better off without Flash
With the emergence of the iPad, there are many trends changing and many ideas developing around an old but finally well-developed phenomenon: the tablet computer. Although I am somehow late giving my opinion on the subject, I think it is worth the try. One of the areas cloud computing can be very useful and extremely capable is on the thin clients. Despite the fact that definition of a thin client nowadays is quite different than few years ago (take iPad and compare it to any of the "revolutionary" J2ME enabled devices) they are still far less capable than conventional computers, i.e. laptops and desktops. iPad (as a good example and so far the best in the segment) is fairly powerful by itself and offers decent performance in doing resource-intensive tasks like 3D game rendering. But there are times that its processing power and storage capacity is not sufficient for certain tasks. You might say, well turn to a more powerful computer then. The price of such move could be sacrificing the super cool and useful features like ultra-portability and modern human user interface of the iPad.

Fixing the multiprocessing error while developing for AppEngine
If you are developing for Google AppEngine on Mac, and you have updated python to 2.6.x or higher, you might face this non-sense error over and over:
ImportError: No module named _multiprocessing
The main reason behind this error is that AppEngine (as of this writing) can't get along with python versions higher than 2.5.x.
Fortunately it is quite easy to fix this issue, especially if you are using GoogleAppEngineLauncher:
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