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Ali Shabdar on business, technology, and pre-singularity life

Ali November 16, 2013

World-class Customer Service

In mid October 2013, Apple started recalling mid-2012 Macbook Airs, due to a SSD problem that was apparently and isolated issue to Toshiba drives only....

Ali February 10, 2013

Renaming files in bulk with Excel

So you have a bunch of files (read thousands) that you need to rename. If you deal with documents/records in the workplace and you don’t...

Ali June 18, 2012

Microsoft Surface - A big name for a small device

Back in 2008 when Microsoft revealed Surface in CES, there was much excitement around what this Minority Report age device could bring to the market. Now...

Ali June 1, 2012

How NOT to group your checkboxes

"Global Unsubscribe" shouldn't be grouped with the others. Here is to not making it clear for the user if you're hiding an option on purpose...