After moving to Vancouver (yeah baby), one of the things I want to do is to apply for UBC graduate program. No, MBA is not what I have in mind, MIS is a better choice for me. Although I’m still finishing my MSc in SBIT, I think this degree will help me better in accomplishing my goals, none of which involves taking over the world. So worry not.
After weeks of “research” I contacted Sauder School of Business and they just enlightened me with the information I already knew: “You are late for fall 2010 and you have to apply after September with all supporting documents including a GMAT score.
Well, I have got enough time to study Math again (tickles some old nightmares) but to get a better chance to be admitted and hopefully get an scholarship, I need to be really good at GMAT.
There are 12 books to start with, 3 official books and 8 from Manhattan. There are also classes to attend. I guess I’ll start with the books because I’m good at self-paced studying. After taking a sample test or two I can decide whether to go to a real class as well or not.
There are many (I mean it) resources to study for GMAT and these 3 websites are must-check:
Companies like Manhattan offer online classes for the busy applicants, but you can still attend UBC classes to have better and real connection with your classmates (aka competitors).
Well, I’m still at the beginning and I can’t advise anybody about anything. This is briefly the data I collected so far and I’ll update the post if I find something worthy in the future.
So good luck if you are in the GMAT game too.
P.S. Obviously some of the information mentioned above applies to Canadians only. I am sure you can find plenty of resources online of and test center near you.
Latest update: I think I’m going to opt for GRE instead of GMAT as I’m leaning towards Computer Science instead of the MIS.
Although GRE is not required (but good to have), I’m not happy with my undergraduate grades and I’m afraid it will affect my acceptance rate.